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Three nations to expand collaboration

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-07-05 13:00


At the latest trilateral foreign ministers' consultations among China, Russia and Mongolia, Beijing expressed its willingness to work with Moscow and Ulaanbaatar to stick to the original aspiration of their cooperation, pivot in the right direction, strengthen unity and collaboration, and block interference from outside. ▲ Trilateral foreign ministers' consultations among China, Russia and Mongolia is held in Astana, Kazakhstan on July 3, 2024. [Photo/Xinhua] Foreign Minister Wang Yi presided over the consultations held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on Wednesday. He discussed trilateral cooperation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Mongolian Foreign Minister Batmunkh Battsetseg. China is willing to work with the two countries to "explore the effective path of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, build a prosperous and stable landscape in the region, and share the benefits of the region's development", he said. The first meeting of the heads of state of China, Russia and Mon ………………………………

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