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D.B. Apartment,巴西圣保罗

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-02-20 07:29


In the Moema neighborhood of São Paulo, Brazil, a 56-square-meter apartment that was once a bit cramped has been transformed into a cozy home with complete functionality and unique style by Studio Papaya. The renovation precisely responded to the owner's needs and showed extraordinary ingenuity in the spatial layout, material use and decorative details. 在巴西圣保罗的 Moema 街区,有一处曾经略显局促的 56 平方米公寓,经 Studio Papaya 精心改造后,摇身一变成为功能完备、风格独特的温馨住所。此次改造精准回应了业主需求,在空间布局、材料运用和装饰细节上都展现出非凡巧思。 The original apartment layout did not meet the owner's living needs, so Studio Papaya boldly removed the wall between the living room and the second bedroom and replaced it with a sliding panel. This change gave the original second bedroom a new mission. It can be used as a living room or TV room for the owner's daily leisure and enter ………………………………

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