©共生形态 生活在钢筋水泥的城市丛林中,人们的行动经常变成一种对周围环境的简单演绎。城市化进程带来了巨大的消费动力,但与此同时,我们似乎失去了探寻所处空间中微小差异的耐心,这些差异本应带来的愉悦感受。 Living in the urban jungle of reinforced concrete, people's actions often become a simple interpretation of the surrounding environment. The process of urbanization has brought tremendous consumer power, but at the same time, we seem to have lost the patience to explore the small differences in the space we are in, which should have brought us the pleasure. 2020广州设计周画王展厅 2020 Guangzhou Design Week Painting King Exhibition Hall - - - 我们与画王大理石再度携手,以“现代空间美学筑造者”为品牌立身,深入挖掘人造石的艺术性。与去年的设计不同,新的展厅设计更加凝练,从概念的抽象到建造行为的显性化视觉