导读 北京时间8月2日晚,巴黎奥运会羽毛球混双决赛,中国“雅思”组合黄雅琼/郑思维横扫韩国组合,夺得本届奥运中国羽毛球项目首金。 颁奖典礼结束后,黄雅琼的男友、国羽男双选手刘雨辰在场边等待许久,向黄雅琼求婚。黄雅琼欣然接受,全场共同见证了这个浪漫的时刻。 黄雅琼接受采访时表示:“这个夏天圆满得不能再圆满了!” 实现梦想和人生幸福同时降临,祝贺雅琼! There can be no better setting than the Paris Olympics for Chinese badminton player Huang Yaqiong to receive perhaps the two most precious pieces of jewelry of her life. A ring presented by her boyfriend and teammate Liu Yuchen during an improvised proposal on Friday afternoon, right after she had won her first Olympic gold medal, sent Huang into double heaven at the La Chapelle Arena in the world's romance capital, making the mixed doubles final at the Paris Olympics a moment to