历史悠久的杭州余杭区,不仅是良渚文化的摇篮地,更是现代科技创新发展的前沿地。 在这里,古老与现代交织,传统与创新并存,书写着新时代篇章。 Yuhang, Hangzhou, is not only the cradle of the Liangzhu culture but also a frontier for modern technological innovation. Aedas执行董事陈玉莹、创始人及主席纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)带领团队在余杭区未来科技城核心区赢得杭政储出【2023】184号地块综合体项目,融合传统与未来,精心打造了一座多元商业综合体 , 连接起余杭深厚的历史文化底蕴和充满活力的现代都市生活,成为余杭独具特色的文化潮流新地标。 Aedas Executive Director Fiona Chen and Founder and
Chairman Keith Griffiths design the Yuhang Future Science and Technology City Mixed-use
Project to create a diverse commercial complex. Merging tradition with
the future, the project connects Yuhang’s rich historical and cultural he