专栏名称: Sky的安全观
【1】信息安全管理知识体系的构建和传播 【2】ISO/IEC 27001 信息安全管理体系学习
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【本篇免费】ISO/IEC 20000-1: 2018 标准详解与实施(4)4.1 理解组织及其环境

Sky的安全观  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-09 07:40


点击上方蓝色字“ Sky的安全观 ”关注我们 --本篇文章,阅读免费 -- 4 Context of the organization 组织环境/4.1 Understanding the organization and its context 理解组织及其环境 The organization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended outcome(s) of its SMS. 组织应确定与其意图相关的,且影响其实现服务管理体系(SMS)预期结果能力的外部和内部事项。 NOTE The word “issue” in this context can be factors which have a positive or negative impact. These are important factors for the organization in the context of its ability to deliver services of an agreed quality to its customers. 注,在此环境下,“事项”可以是正面或负面影响的因素。在组织向顾客交付约定的质量的服务的能力的环境下,这些对组织都是重要的因素。 【标准理解】 (1)本条款中的“组织”具体所 ………………………………

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