专栏名称: TAGChengdu
.TAG - To Another Galaxy. Dance club in Chengdu.
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8.31 周六 | 菊乐路2.0

TAGChengdu  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-19 16:53


“菊乐路”借用了成都本地一条真实存在的路名。 我们希望在.TAG舞池为成都本地的彩虹文化勇敢发声。.TAG最初建立的愿景很大一部分是创造一个安全自由的空间,这个空间传达优质律动舞曲的同时承载起常规舞客与少数群体共同分享的职责。 The theme of this event, “Ju Le Road” borrowed a real road name from Chengdu. We wish to vocalize the bravery on the .TAG dance floor for the local rainbow culture in Chengdu.  A large part of .TAG's original vision was to create a safe and free space that conveys high-quality rhythm while connecting the regular dancers with representatives from minorities.   酷儿文化是舞曲文化发展的重要根源之一,群体、平等、多样性深植在舞的 DNA 中。舞曲的发展历史从纽约的Disco和Garage开始,之后出现了芝加哥House,接 ………………………………

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