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DINZ德网 | Mesura Studio · 从材料出发,构想未来形态

德国室内设计网  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-19 17:05


  Aesop在巴塞罗那的新店植根于身份认同与可持续发展的理念之中。在探索这两者之间联系的过程中,我们找到了一位完美契合两者的代表:那些代代相传,致力于保留传统技艺的匿名工匠与未知艺术家。该项目采取鲜明的地方性策略,重用了来自Montjuïc采石场的KM0石材,这些石材经受住了时间的考验,旨在抵抗全球化对零售行业的冲击。 Aesop's new store in Barcelona is rooted in identity and sustainability. In our search to connect the dots between these concepts, we found a figure that perfectly matched both: the anonymous artisans and unknown artists who preserve tradition and technique throughout generations. In a distinctly local approach, the project reuses KM0 stones from the Montjuïc quarry that have withstood the test of time, aiming to push back against the influence of globalization on the retail sector. 2022年,Aesop邀请我们为其在巴塞罗那的第二家 ………………………………

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