本文介绍了具有平坦带外群延迟特性的微波/射频滤波器的设计及其在Electromagnetic Science Webinar的在线报告。报告人Roberto Gómez-García介绍了他在高频滤波器设计方面的最新研究,特别是在设计具有准平群延迟响应的RF/微波滤波器方面的进展,该设计具有超出其3-dB传输频带的特性。报告还涵盖了从低通到带通应用的恒定带内群延迟射频滤波器的设计解决方案,并展示了实验结果的实物证明。
关键观点1: 在线报告介绍
文章介绍了一个在线报告,该报告由Electromagnetic Science的编辑部每月通过Zoom和社交媒体平台组织,属于Electromagnetic Science Academic Meeting Series。
关键观点2: 报告人介绍
报告人Roberto Gómez-García是IEEE的成员,对设计固定和可调式高频滤波器在平面、混合和单片微波集成电路技术中的多路复用器、软件定义无线电和雷达架构等领域有浓厚的兴趣。
关键观点3: 报告主题介绍
关键观点4: 滤波器设计的挑战与解决方案
关键观点5: 实验与结果
具有平坦带外群延迟特性的 微波/射频滤波器 2024年9月24日 17:00 The Electromagnetic Science Webinar is an online program organized monthly by the Editorial Office of Electromagnetic Science via the Zoom and Social Media platforms. This program belongs to the Electromagnetic Science Academic Meeting Series, and showcases presentations by distinguished experts in the fields of electromagnetics and photonics. Our primary goal is to facilitate the quick and convenient sharing of the latest research findings in these fields with like-minded scholars. Collectively, we aim to create an online platform for collaborative discussions in electromagnetics and photonics. 蔻享学术 扫码观看直播 报告人介绍 Roberto Gómez-García Roberto Gómez-García (Fellow, IEEE) received the Telecommunication Engineer and Ph. D. degrees from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, in 2001 and 2006, respectively. He is currently a Full Professor at the Department of Si