点击上方蓝字,关注我们 British retailer Tesco says demand for UK-grown blueberries has soared by 27% this season year-on-year. This puts the berry among the top of the UK’s fastest-growing fruit, according to the supermarket chain . UK shoppers are set to buy around 57,000 tons of the fruit this year. However, British growers can only supply about 6,000 tons, with the rest made up from imports. That is expected to change over the next few years thanks to a massive production program that hopes to boost total UK yield by around a third. This will mean less fruit needing to be imported during the summer months. “The British crop is extremely popular when in season and we’d love to be able to take more which is why we are working with UK growers on a production programme, guaranteeing them a return and giving them confidence to plant more,” Tesco berries buyer Callum Baker said. Tesco is now working with Hall Hunter, who have four farms across Berkshire and Surrey, an