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中国经济学教育科研网  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-10 17:43
  岁末年初,American Economic Association(AEA)照例公布了2019年度研究热点。借此机会,小编将2017至2019三年间AEA公布的研究热点编辑整理如下,相信可以为正在思考选题方向的你提供某些参考。(热点排序基于AEA网站中相关页面的浏览量。)2019年2019年,AEA最受关注的研究话题涵盖“兼职工作”、“碳税”、“经济学家如何塑造科技领域”等内容。注:下方*后面皆为参考文献。1. Flexible(ish) working hours灵活的工作时间When the economy enters a recession, pundits are quick to trot out unemployment numbers to argue about the health of the economy or the success of the government's response. Of course, job loss should be front and center when talking about the economy, but companies have more options than just hiring and firing employees.Borowczyk-Martins, ………………………………

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