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World丨Chinese firms in US upbeat amid drop-off

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-06-28 12:53
Despite facing a "significant performance downturn" last year, Chinese companies operating in the United States expect rising revenue trends in the long term, according to a survey.The 11th Annual Business Survey on Chinese Enterprises in the United States was launched Monday at an event hosted by the China General Chamber of Commerce-USA (CGCC) on the sidelines of the SelectUSA Investment Summit, an annual US federal government program aimed at attracting foreign direct investment.The CGCC conducted the survey in April and May of some 100 Chinese enterprises, including financial institutions, industrial firms and consumer discretionary companies, about their revenue in the US market in the past year and their future outlook.According to Hu Wei, the chairman of the CGCC, who is also the CEO of Bank of China USA, the survey shows the following key trends: "Surveyed companies' negative perceptions of the business and investment environment in the United States have increased, investment ………………………………

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