专栏名称: 北师外文
北京师范大学外国语言文学学院学生工作办公室 School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Beijing Normal University
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讲座预告丨Challenges of diachronic corpus compilation

北师外文  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-17 20:14


点击上方“ 北师外文 ”可以订阅哦 1 讲座题目: From bigger to worse? Challenges of diachronic corpus compilation 2 主讲人: Hendrik De Smet (KU Leuven) 3 主持人: 王德亮 教授 4 时间: 2024年10月21日下午4:00 5 地点: 后主楼1020 摘 要 In recent decades, historical corpora have become bigger but not in all respects better. This talk addresses some of the challenges faced by both corpus compilers and corpus users, particularly as they move to creating and using ever larger corpora. First, it is argued that increases in corpus size amplify the tension between representative coverage and balance. Second, it is shown that even what appear to be highly homogeneous diachronic data sets may hide a variety of unsuspected trends and patterns in the data that (unless controlled for) can undermine diachronic comparability. Third, a case is made that both very large and very small corpora can be exploited to address one of the main problems for historic ………………………………

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