点击上方“蓝字”关注我们 9月27日,淘宝在微博发文宣布已支持支付宝、微信支付等多种支付方式,更新App至最新版即可体验。 Starting Friday, consumers shopping on Alibaba's Taobao platform can now use Tencent's WeChat Pay for transactions, according to an official statement from Taobao. The new payment option allows users to complete purchases with WeChat Pay, and subsequent updates will enable users to access transaction records and bills directly within the WeChat app, WeChat Pay said. 随后,#大量淘宝用户刷出微信支付界面#登上热搜。 赶在“双11”大促到来之前,阿里巴巴、腾讯、京东等互联网巨头的互联互通进度持续推进。 淘宝天猫即将正式接入京东物流,预计10月中旬上线。同时,京东也将接入菜鸟速递和菜鸟驿站,作为代收包裹站点。不久之后,京东将正式接入支付宝,双方物流和支付系统渐渐开始打通。 Additionally,