专栏名称: 可可英语
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可可英语  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2019-11-07 18:00


星级典句: 第一句: Ideal posture is to sit straight, but not stiff, against the back of the chair. 理想的姿势是背靠椅子坐直,但不要僵硬。 A: What is the proper way to sit at a dinner table? 餐桌边就坐的正确姿势是什么? B: Ideal posture is to sit straight, but not stiff, against the back of the chair. 理想的姿势是背靠椅子坐直,但不要僵硬。 A: Yes. 是的。 B: Hands, when one is not actually eating, may be in the lap. Tipping one's chair is unforgivable. 未进餐时可把手放在膝上。不要用手指敲打椅子。 第二句: What is the proper way to handle a napkin at dinner? 宴会上使用餐巾的正确方法是什么? A: What is the proper way to handle a napkin at dinner? 宴会上使用餐巾的正确方法是什么? B: Ordinarily, as soon as you are seated, you put your napkin on your lap. 通常情 ………………………………

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