专栏名称: 胖车库
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Language evolved with brain or the brain evolved with language?

胖车库  · 公众号  · AI 科技自媒体  · 2024-08-19 21:33


文章介绍了Geoffrey Hinton对语言与认知的三个不同观点,并解释了符号、向量和嵌入在认知过程中的作用及它们之间的关系。文章还提到了机器翻译中的循环神经网络(RNN)和隐藏状态,以及它们在语言翻译中的应用。


关键观点1: Geoffrey Hinton对语言与认知的三个观点


关键观点2: 符号、向量和嵌入的解释及关系


关键观点3: RNN和隐藏状态在机器翻译中的应用



"Whether language evolved with the brain or the brain evolved with language?" is a question answered by Geoffrey Hinton, which I felt might be interesting to share and elaborate some explanation. 3 different views of language and how they relate to cognition 1st, symbolic view: cognition consists of having strings of symbols in some clean logical language where there is no ambiguity and applying rules of inference, cognition is just these symbolic manipulations on things that are like the language symbols. 2nd view. Once you get inside the head, it's all vectors, symbols come in, you convert these symbols into big vectors, and if you want output you produce symbols again. There is a point in machine translation in 2014, where people used recurrent neural nets(RNN) and words keep coming in and having a hidden state that keep accumulating information in the hidden state. So when they get to the end of the sentence, they have a big hidden vector that captures the meaning of that sentence ………………………………

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