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加措上师语录  · 公众号  · 佛学  · 2024-07-01 11:08
人总会经历一些事情,如爱情,如友情。 没有人能够永远快乐幸福的过每一天,坦然的面对自己的坚强和软弱。 让我们成熟的,是经历与磨难。 让我们幸福的,是宽容与博爱。 让我们心安的,是理解与信任。 我们改变不了事实,但我们可以改变态度。 ---加措活佛Relating to others is more about accepting them thanchanging them. If you try to change another, that is called battling ratherthan living. Destiny is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice; it isnot what we wait for but what we put into action. Those who walk a straightpath on a crooked road are clever, because they have found a shortcut; thosewho walk a winding path along a straight road are more open, because they areable to enjoy more of the scenery. The road is not at your feet, but in yourheart.有缘请加我公众微信长按上图二维码即可添加 ………………………………

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