为了纪念孙中山先生( 1 866 - 1925 )诞辰 1 50 周年, Ca ncer Communication (其前身是 Chi nese Journal of Cancer )在 2 016 年发起了一次十分独特的征文活动:在全球范围内征集有关癌症研究领域的最重要的科学问题: T he most important questions and cancer research and clinical oncology 。 这项征文活动得到世界各地同道的积极响应,送来了众多候选科学问题。经过同行评议、编辑遴选,最终刊登了 104个科学问题。最近刊登的三个科学问题是由浙江大学的吕志民教授所提出的,分别是: Question 102: Can non-glucose-based tumor imaging techniques facilitate tumor detection and metabolic classification? Question 103: how can we develop medicines to inhibit the cancer-specific metabolic functions of metabolic enzymes in tumors expressing wild-type IDH, without interfering with their canonical catalytic activities? Question 104: Can dietary-based canc