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风研海外  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-29 00:24


 天风海外团队 Bloomberg 主题: 小红书的成功做对了什么? “The management team has spent time building up the quality of the usercommunity," said Cao Rui, senior analyst at Tianfeng Securities. “The postsare often relatable with daily life, and it has become a popular and uniquesearch tool for consumers to look for beauty and lifestyle products. “小红书社区的养成是厚积薄发的。” 天风证券高级分析师曹睿称, “(小红书) 内容以生活方式为切入点,从美妆护肤品类逐步拓展至生活场景,且该入口是独特且唯一的。” Competition in the e-commerce space is also intensifying. Many existinglarger players - including Alibaba, JD.com Inc., PDD Holdings Inc. andByteDance Ltd,'s Douyin, TikTok's Chinese twin app - are leveraging Al to make shoppers spend more time on their platforms.  “Xiaohongshu has built up a relatively higher user loyalty than otherplatforms based on the uniqueness and branding of th ………………………………

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