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九言 | 爱应该是让人变得温柔与勇敢,而不是时常会让你委屈或妥协。

读书有范  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-31 06:00


这是范叔为你准备的 『九言』  7.31 养好性格,好好生活,沿途有风景,背后有阳光,无法重来的一生请尽量快乐。 Cultivate a good personality, live well, have scenery along the way, sunshine behind your back, and try to be happy in the life that cannot be repeated. 爱应该是让人变得温柔与勇敢,而不是时常会让你委屈或妥协。 Love should make people gentle and brave, rather than constantly causing them to feel wronged or compromise. 从当下、从今天、先做好目前能做的,就是成长、就是最大的进步。 Starting from the present, starting from today, doing what we can do now is growth, the greatest progress. 过得积极是为了生活,活得糊涂是为了快乐。 Living positively is for the sake of life, living aimlessly is for happiness. 努力不一定能让你飞黄腾达,家财万贯,但能让你积极向上,精神饱满,生活有光,未来有望。 Hard work may not necessarily lead ………………………………

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