专栏名称: 心理人文就业汇
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香港教育大学招聘科研项目研究助理 心理学人可报

心理人文就业汇  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-10 10:21


Job Descriptio Research Assistant I   -   ( 2400812 )   Department of Early Childhood Education Project Title: Early Childhood Educators’ Well-Being in the Chinese Context [Appointment Period: 10 months] The appointee will provide research and administrative support to the project that aims to understand and promote early childhood educators’ well-being. The appointee will be responsible for reviewing the literature, analysing data, and drafting reports and manuscripts. The appointee will also coordinate activities facilitating the dissemination of research findings, and perform other duties as assigned by project leaders. The appointment will be for a period of 10 months. Applicants should have a Bachelor's Degree, and preferably a Master’s Degree  in psychology, early childhood education, or other related disciplines. She/he should be highly responsible, intrinsically motivated, and able to work independently. Applicants should also have strong interpersonal communication ………………………………

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