人生最难得 “心安”二字。 所谓“心安”, 就是心里没有后悔的事, 没有亏心的事, 没有想不开的事。 不为名所累, 不为利所役, 清清白白做人, 干干净净做事。 如果患得患失, 心浮气躁, 人生就会疲惫不堪, 了无生气。 唯有保持一颗宁静的心, 不眼热权势、不艳羡富贵, 活得纯粹、活得自然, 才能求得一个心安。 --- 加措活佛 Relating to others is more about accepting them thanchanging them. If you try to change another, that is called battling ratherthan living. Destiny is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice; it isnot what we wait for but what we put into action. Those who walk a straightpath on a crooked road are clever, because they have found a shortcut; thosewho walk a winding path along a straight road are more open, because they areable to enjoy more of the scenery. The road is not at your feet, but in yourheart. 有缘请加我