WIPO China: Use of WIPO’s Global IP Registries for Patents, Trademarks and Designs Grew in 2024 随着企业和个人越来越多地利用世界知识产权组织(产权组织)的专利、商标和外观设计全球知识产权注册体系在国外市场保护和推广其产品,产权组织的各体系在2024年都实现了增长。 The World Intellectual Property Organization’s (WIPO) global intellectual property (IP) registries for patents, trademarks and designs all registered growth in 2024, as enterprises and individuals increased their use of WIPO systems to protect and promote their products in foreign markets. 2024年,通过海牙体系(国际外观设计体系)提交的申请中所包含的外观设计数量增长了6.8%,通过产权组织的《专利合作条约》(国际专利体系)提交的专利国际申请量增长了0.5%。产权组织的商标国际注册马德里体系(国际商标体系)的申请活动在连续两年下降后,实现了1.2%