专栏名称: ChestnutStudying
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ChestnutStudying  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-09 08:59


Chestnut Studying       摘要  While macrophage heterogeneity during metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) has been described, the fate of these macrophages during MASH regression is poorly understood. Comparing macrophage heterogeneity during MASH progression vs regression, we identified specific macrophage subpopulations that are critical for MASH/fibrosis resolution. We elucidated the restorative pathways and gene signatures that define regression-associated macrophages and establish the importance of TREM2+ macrophages during MASH regression. Liver-resident Kupffer cells are lost during MASH and are replaced by four distinct monocyte-derived macrophage subpopulations. Trem2 is expressed in two macrophage subpopulations: i) monocyte-derived macrophages occupying the Kupffer cell niche (MoKC) and ii) lipid-associated macrophages (LAM). In regression livers, no new transcriptionally distinct macrophage subpopulation emerged. However, the relative macrophage com ………………………………

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