7 月,社群读的最后一本书是 The People Pleaser's Guide to Putting Yourself First 。 这本书的情绪价值大于实用功效。 读这本书主要是语言比较简单、口语化,内容上能给我们多一些鼓励和提醒。 书中的内容多是老生常谈,比如我们要认识自己,看到自己的需求。由于我读过许多类似的书,读起来觉得不够系统、深入。 印象最深的是这一段,请花几分钟读完、读懂: Ironically, there are many conversations in personal development circles that suggest people pleasing itself is actually the ultimate selfish act (nope, not a typo), because it can be seen as a form of manipulating others to accept you or a version of you that actually isn’t authentic. Woah. Mic drop. Anyone else’s mind blown at that one? So, if you’re concerned at appearing selfish in finally starting to prioritise you, I ask you to come back to your intent. Are you choosing to put yours