💌📱 扫海报二维码或点击链接预留免费入场名额 scan QR on flyer or click the link to sign up for free entry 11.1 上海 |HONEY特邀嘉宾CEZAIRE! 签约FKJ的法国电音革新伯乐 📍LeBaron上海 22:00 - 00:00 Muscle Lee 00:00 - 2:00 Jiav Jin 2:00 - 3:30 特邀嘉宾 SPEIAL GUEST Cezaire (Roche Musique) 签约FKJ的法国电音革新伯乐 3:30 - late b2b2b ATTENTION:建议大家活动开始22:00左右到场以避免排队及限流。 We suggest you arrive at the starts of the event to avoid the lines and limited enter when it gets crowded.