专栏名称: 搜建筑
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立面细节 | 砖瓦坊:韩国·布里克韦尔综合大楼

搜建筑  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-03 13:32


▲  更多精品, 关注 “ 搜建筑 ” 白松树的中庭 - 白松树遗址位于首尔市钟路区通义洞 35-17 号西侧,这里曾经矗立着一棵巨大的松树。这棵松树曾被誉为韩国最大的松树,在 1991 年枯死之前一直被指定为天然纪念物。现在,这里只剩下它的树桩和后来种植的几棵白皮松。在老树桩的旁边矗立着三棵树龄两年的松树桩,给走在狭窄小巷里的人们带来一种偶然的乐趣,最大限度地增加了瑞川地区特有的步行体验。 An Atrium for the White Pine - The white pine tree site, located west of 35-17 Tongui-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, was where a magnificent pine tree used to stand. Once known as the biggest of its kind in Korea, the tree had been designated as a natural monument until it died in 1991. What’s left of the past are its stump and a few more lacebark trees that were planted afterward. Three stumps of two-year-old lacebark pine trees stand next to the old st ………………………………

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