专栏名称: ZaomeDesign
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​新作 | 罗森尼娜·生活家NaNa / 谜舍设计

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2025-02-26 09:31


在长沙这座充满活力的城市,快节奏的生活成为常态,人们在忙碌中愈发渴望松弛和宁静。 In Changsha, a vibrant city, fast-paced life is the norm. People increasingly crave relaxation and peace in their busyness. 作为湖南最有人气的烘焙品牌,罗森尼娜也在通过探索品牌的创新来应对新的消费趋势。谜舍设计受到委托,负责操刀设计罗森尼娜最新策划的概念店「罗森尼娜生活家NaNa」。 As the most popular bakery brand in Hunan, LSENna is also responding to new consumer trends by exploring brand innovation. Nazodesign was commissioned to design LSENna's latest concept store " NaNa". 公园感 In the park     常规的罗森尼娜门店多聚焦面包销售效率,而罗森尼娜生活家则以 “慢” 为核心,将打造舒适惬意的休闲环境作为首要策略。我们围绕这样的定位提出了“公园感”的设计概念。 Regularly LSENna stores focus on the efficiency of bread ………………………………

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