ICA 全新课程 色彩管理全流程大师课 北京站持续报名中 ICA 往期学员评价 经验贴 看看上过课的学员怎么说 #01 ·· Canada ·· Christian Reitmeier “Perfect course for a deeper understanding of the color theory and a good methodology for approaching a grade. To get all kinds of tips and advice from Kevin Shaw… what a privilege.” “在深入理解调色理论、调色实践方法论这两方面,这是一套 完美的课程 。从 Kevin 那里获得各种提示和建议…多么荣幸。” #02 ·· India ·· Eugenius Meril “The Essential Colorist course with Kevin has really changed my perspective on the DI workflow and color process.” “Kevin 的课程深切地 改变了我对 DI 工作流程和调色的看法。 ” #03 ·· USA ·· Denver Riddle “Before taking Kevin’s Colorist Strategies, I was at a loss as to where the best place to start was and how to manage my grading workflow. I now feel empowered with an efficient and