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【5月31日】International Seminar on SDEs and Related Topics

科研云  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-05-29 07:00


会议信息 报告题目 Towards data-driven stochastic control: Learning diffusion dynamics and  optimal strategies 报告嘉宾 Claudia Strauch (Aarhus University) 报告时间 2024年5月31日19:30(北京时间) 直播间链接 https://live.bilibili.com/h5/21963219 报告嘉宾 Claudia Strauch received her Phd in 2013 at Hamburg University.After spending some time as a postdoctor at the University of Bochum andHeidelberg University as well as a junior professor at the University ofMannheim,she became in 2020 an Associate Professor at the University of Aarhus.She is a leading expert for nonparametric statistics of stochastic differential equations.Her research includes several related areas as,e.g.,stochastic partial differential equations,concentrationinequalities and parametric approaches,but she also works on control  problems.In the last years she obtained grants from the Danmarks FrieForskningsfond,the Carlsberg Foundation and the Villum Foundation forher research ………………………………

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