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Life丨Watery Wuzhen puts on a wave of shows

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2024-11-04 10:38


The Wuzhen Theatre Festival, which takes place each year in the ancient water town of Wuzhen in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, boasts that — to borrow a phrase from Shakespeare — "all Wuzhen is a stage". A long, narrow alleyway, an ancient dock, and a pole boat … performances can happen anywhere in the town. It's a place where the boundary between theater and the surroundings dissolve. Even the moon can play a part. In the play,  Run Away to the Moon , which was staged this year in the town's open-air Sun Moon Plaza, the moon merged with the performance at its zenith above the plaza, becoming the most sublime overhead prop. ▲ A scene from  Run Away to the Moon .Photo provided to China Daily In Chinese mythology, Chang'e is said to run away by flying to the moon, after she drinks an elixir of immortality, and turns into a goddess. In some versions, Chang'e steals the elixir from her husband Hou Yi, a legendary archer, while in others, she drinks it to prevent it from falling int ………………………………

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