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Mark Minervini  · 公众号  ·  · 2025-01-15 20:45


看下A股和Nasdaq的走势,两个市场,似乎在同一天(1月13日)找到了回调的最低点? 那这时股魔MPA中对见底的描述,对A股同样有借鉴意义。 MM:I would like to see a change in character both in the general market as well as individual stock action in terms of setups and traction. In a distribution dominant tape rallies are usually short-lived, so if the market is able to bounce, I would like to see the indexes avoid distribution before committing too heavily to longs. Furthermore, I would like to see a few names from our Focus List breakout and hold their breakouts. 股魔:我希望看到指数和个股在潜在突破(Setups)和突破后浮盈(Traction)方面有一些变化。在一个派发占主导的盘面下,上涨通常稍纵即逝。所以如果市场能够反弹,我希望在开始大规模做多前,能看到指数避免继续派发。进一步,我希望看到观察列表中能有一些突破,并且突破后能够 ………………………………

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