专栏名称: 设计先锋队
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Carpo Glasshouse,英国伦敦

设计先锋队  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-27 07:18


This is the largest store of the chain located in central London. It is developed over 3 levels: ground floor, the main sales area, mezzanine with ancillary areas and transit and 1st floor seating area with bar service. The intention was to create an innovative store that would combine the sale of oven roasted nuts in the store, serving fresh coffee and bakery products, dried fruit and handmade chocolate as well as presenting the products in an original way. 这是该连锁店位于伦敦市中心最大的商店。它分为 3 层:一楼、主要销售区、带辅助区域和交通的夹层以及提供酒吧服务的一楼休息区。其目的是创建一家创新商店,将店内烘烤坚果的销售结合起来,提供新鲜咖啡和烘焙产品、干果和手工巧克力,并以原创的方式展示产品。 An effort was made to create a space with clearly separated functional zones on the one hand, but also with a sense of freedom and variety in both the placement of f ………………………………

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