专栏名称: ZaomeDesign
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新作|自然而然的养老居所 / FF DESIGN

ZaomeDesign  · 公众号  · 设计  · 2024-07-27 21:02


户庭无尘杂,虚室有余闲。 久在樊笼里,复得返自然。 Clean courtyard, tranquil room.  Long in a cage, back to nature. 300㎡的白色房子伫立在湖边, 为业主于喧嚣中寻得一抹静谧。 A 300㎡ white house stands by the lake,  offering its owner a touch of tranquility amid the hustle. 大量自然、原始质感的材料选择, 呈现出了这套松弛、度假民宿感的作品。 The use of natural, raw materials  creates a relaxed, vacation-home feel. 白色真石漆让建筑焕发出自然的美感, 斯卡帕风格的角窗,在家也能抬头看星星。 White real stone paint gives the building a natural beauty,  and Scarpa-style corner windows let you stargaze from home. 通往花园的水泥台阶纤薄、轻盈, 将整体的建筑风格延续。 The slim, lightweight concrete steps to the garden  extend the overall architectural style. 坐在咬合樟树的吧台、玻璃围栏的亲水观景平台, 一杯清茶在手茶香袅 ………………………………

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