因为急性喉炎,昨晚没能直播,实在抱歉。我将本来要讲到的一些内容放在了这里,大家来学习。 I really like going to aquariums to see sea creatures I wouldn’t normally see. 我很喜欢去水族馆看那些我平时看不到的海洋生物。 I really like hitting the beach, listening to the soothing sound of waves. 我很喜欢去海滩,听着海浪那舒缓的声音。 The idea of visiting aquariums really appeals to me , especially when they have interactive exhibits. 参观水族馆的想法真的很吸引我(我很喜欢),尤其是当它们有互动性展览的时候。 The idea of spending a quiet afternoon by the ocean really appeals to me . The sound of the waves is so soothing. 在海边度过一个安静的下午的想法真的很吸引我 (我很喜欢) 。海浪的声音令人感到安静、放松。 The idea of hiking up a mountain and enjoying the panoramic view really appeals to me. 徒步登上山顶并欣赏全景