外贸人眼中的领英,是高质量的B2B买家数据库、是公开询盘库、更是外贸人的营销阵地。 如何养好账号防止封禁?如何在一众页面中脱颖而出?如何有效开发客户? 本期“阅·话题”和大家分享领英的使用攻略,速看! ps:点击每段末尾小程序,即可查看文章全部内容 扫码参与 ⬆️ 立即领取 01 @外贸邦 你的领英消息能得多少分? 我给了美国大客户采购经理Jose 3个领英消息例子,让他分别给这3个消息打分。3条消息分别是: 消息A: Hi jose, we are xxx. Our prodcuts are xxx. The products have good quality and price advantage. This is our catalogue. Let me know if you are interested. 消息B:Hi Jose, we are xxx. From what we see with our clients, xxx is a common issue for them. Does this happen to you? I can share with you our solution. 消息C: Hi Jose, I'm xxx from XXX. We are offering xxx. May I know what products you are planning to purcha