专栏名称: 每日双语经济学人
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每日双语经济学人  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-05-22 07:00


(全文共360个词) Assigning an "A" grade a value of 4.0, a "B" grade a value of 3.0 and a "C" grade a value of 2.0, Drs O'Connor and Cheema found that the average grade granted climbed from 3.37 to 3.53 during the first seven times that a course was taught.Grades climbed further still after that, ultimately reaching an average of 3.70 for those courses taught 20 times.Average course grades, in other words, rose from B+ to A-.To test an obvious  alternative  hypothesis to that of self-deluded grade inflation- namely that the lecturers' abilities were improving with practice, and that this was increasing their students' grades-the two researchers then looked at grade improvements during the first three years that lecturers taught their courses.This is the period during which most improvements might be expected to happen, and so might be expected to show the largest upti ………………………………

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