专栏名称: 北大SICA
北京大学学生交流协会(SICA -Students' International Communication Association)于1997年成立,是中国高校中第一个专门从事国际交流活动的学生社团。
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SICA Pathfinder活动报名 | 前辈引路,共破迷雾

北大SICA  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-24 10:09


SICA Pathfinder 主讲嘉宾:陈哲伦 Michael Part.01 SICA Pathfinder系列活动 INTRODUCTION SICA Pathfinder系列活动旨在满足同学们对于全球不同地域学习工作的好奇,丰富同学们对于不同国家与地区的了解,同时让同学们了解到未来国际化发展的多种可能。将定期邀请有丰富海外履历的校友或相关业界前辈分享并与参与者互动交流。之前邀请过的嘉宾有SICA创始人李劲学长以及原SICA副会长肖意达学长。 The SICA Pathfinder series of activities aims to satisfy students' curiosity about studying and working in different regions around the world, enrich their understanding of different countries and regions, and enable them to understand the various possibilities of future international development. We will regularly invite alumni or industry veterans with rich overseas experience to share and interact with participants. Previously, the invited guests included Senior 李劲, the founder o ………………………………

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