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美国内布拉斯加医学中心Dr. Chengfeng Bi 实验室诚招血液肿瘤方向博后一名及访问学者1-2名

微offer  · 公众号  ·  · 2021-12-03 02:46


招聘概况 The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), Founded in 1869, is one of the  top  medical institutions in  the  central United States.  UNMC is famous  for  the research of highly infectious diseases, such as  COVID-19 ,   and cancers.  The Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center, a $370 million project, the largest project ever at the University of Nebraska, opened in 2017. It is one of 69 centers designated by the National Cancer Institute.   Our  team belongs to the Leukemia and Lymphoma division of the Cancer  Center and  is  working on the  pathogenesis and translational medicine of blood cancer.  In the past few years, t he lab has published  several research articles in the high - impact journals of this field, such as  Blood ,  Leukemia ,  JCI ,  and  JCO .   We are now seeking  motivated  postdoctoral researchers  and visiting sc ………………………………

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