「活在当下」是一句需要时常念叨、时常提醒自己的咒语。 这一期双语阅读专栏,分享给大家一篇纳瓦尔的短文《我们唯一拥有的是当下》。 THE PRESENT IS ALL WE HAVE 我们唯一拥有的是当下 作者 | Naval 原著 | 《纳瓦尔宝典》 译者| 赵灿 There is actually nothing but this moment. No one has ever gone back in time, and no one has ever been able to successfully predict the future in any way that matters. Literally, the only thing that exists is this exact point where you are in space at the exact time you happen to be here. 我们唯一拥有的是当下。除了当下,一切都是不存在的。没有人能够回到过去,也没有人能够以任何有意义的方式成功地预测未来。唯一存在的就是此时此地,就是你恰好存在的这个时刻和在宇宙空间里的这个位置。 not hing but only 只有,只是 happen to do sth if you happen to do something, you do it by chance