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考研英语外刊阅读  · 公众号  ·  · 2022-06-19 20:39
快,点击上方蓝字关注并置顶这个公众号,一起涨姿势~ 全文字数:1795字阅读时间:16分钟 上期翻译答案As well as cutting off Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, from the SWIFT cross-border payment system, the package will also ban purchases of Russian crude oil and refined products, such as diesel, by the end of the year.除了把俄罗斯最大的银行俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行排除在全球跨境支付系统SWIFT之外,这套制裁方案还包括在年底前禁止欧盟成员国采购俄罗斯原油和柴油等精炼石油产品。1.cut off: to separate something by cutting it away from the main part 《本期内容》 ◆ 双语阅读 From toilet paper to yogurt, and coffee to corn chips, manufacturers are quietly shrinking package sizes without lowering prices. It’s dubbed “shrinkflation,” and it’s accelerating worldwide. In the U.S., a small box of Kleenex now has 60 tissues; a few months ago, it h ………………………………

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