有一次, 小编帮生病的朋友 做了一顿饭, 并用保温盒送到医院, 朋友说 “ You are really a good egg ”, 当时的我丈二的摸不着头脑, 那You are a good egg是什么意思呢? “good egg ” 是什么意思? egg 做名词时 可以指 人、家伙 词典解释: 你可以把你认为的非常友好的公交司机称为good egg。good egg是指好人。 Good egg is a friendly, old-fashioned way to talk about a good guy or a kind person. When you call your next door neighbor a good egg, it's clear that you're fond of her. Good egg是一种友好的老式说法,用来谈论好人或善良的人。当你说你隔壁的邻居是个good egg时,很明显你喜欢她。 Origin Good egg was at first just a humorous inversion of bad egg. A bad egg was as thoroughly nasty a person as the literal bad egg was unpleasant to encounter. Good egg最初是由它的对立词bad egg演变而来,是一种比较幽默的表达。bad egg就像字面上的