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Folly Mojave,荒野中一处静修之地

印际  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-10-15 17:05


加州度假酒店  California Resort Folly Mojave HOTEL DESIGN FASHION TRAVEL LIFESTYLE 荒野之中一处静修之地 A place of retreat in the wilderness Folly Mojave被数百平方英里的壮丽景色所包围,它是Folly系列的第二代产品。这座占地200多英亩的庄园位于Mojave国家保护区和Joshua Tree国家公园的交汇处。海市蜃楼般的荒原地貌,却有着生机勃勃的生活气息,可以一览尽是黄褐色、金色色调的国家公园和保护区。 Surrounded by hundreds of square miles of breathtaking scenery, Folly Mojave is the second generation of the Folly Collection. The 200+ acre estate sits at the confluence of Mojave National Preserve and Joshua Tree National Park. The mirage-like wilderness landscape is vibrant with life, offering sweeping views of the national parks and reserves in tawny and golden hues. 在Mojave保护区的山脚下点缀着一座座小巧的建筑,它们具有导向性意义,体现了简洁的线条和 ………………………………

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