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Call for paper (IF 6.3):截止2024年12月31日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-08-13 17:58


Multiple uncertainties and risks in financial markets Guest editors: Chao Liang , School of Economics & Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China Email:  liangchaoswjt@163.com  Special issue information: Uncertainty is a risk that cannot be predicted and assessed, while risk is uncertainty with a known probability distribution (Knight, 1921). Against the backdrop of global economic integration, frequent crisis events, and climate and energy crises, global financial risks are accumulating at an accelerated pace, and the superposition and resonance of domestic and international economic uncertainties and financial market risks will lead to a rapid build-up of systemic financial risks, and the damaging effects on the macroeconomy will be significantly enhanced. Therefore, a study on multiple uncertainties and systemic financial risks is necessary. Topics and scope This special issue (SI) welcomes theoretical and empirical studies that explore the dynamic relationship b ………………………………

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