近几年,随着国内车市竞争日趋白热化,车企纷纷将目光投向海外,海外出口成为车市增长第二曲线。中汽协的数据显示,2023年,出口对中国汽车总销量增长的贡献率达到55.7%。 In recent years, as competition in the domestic automotive market has intensified, Chinese automakers have increasingly turned their attention abroad, with overseas exports becoming a significant growth driver. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (CAAM), in 2023, exports contributed 55.7% to the overall growth in China's automobile sales. 从出口地域来看,欧洲、中东等地近年来已是中国汽车重要的出口目的地,东南亚和巴西也成为出海新热门。2023年,东南亚市场占中国乘用车出口量约10.1%,泰国、菲律宾位列中国乘用车出口目的国前十。 From a regional perspective, Europe and the Middle East have become major export destinations for Chinese vehicles i