专栏名称: Figure图
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Call for paper (IF 5.4):截止2024年11月4日

Figure图  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-06-26 17:58


19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering This Special Issue presents a curated collection of papers from the 19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, a pivotal event held in person in Erfurt in September 2024. In collaboration with Surface and Coatings Technology by Elsevier, this conference served as a focal point for the plasma science and surface engineering community, bringing together leading researchers, engineers, and industry professionals. The papers in this issue delve into the latest breakthroughs, methodologies, and transformative applications presented during the conference. The 19th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering is a beacon of innovation at the crossroads of plasma science and materials engineering. The Special Issue is hosted by the Special Guest Editors Ass. Prof. Helmut Riedl and Dr. Rainer Hahn Guest editors: Dr. Helmut Riedl ,  TU Wien, Vienna, Austria Dr. Rainer Hahn , TU Wien, Vienna, Austria Manuscri ………………………………

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