全球热点 本文观点来自 Fredrik Lindmark ( Deputy Counsel, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris) 和 Mengdi Zhou ( Associate, Global Law Office, Beijing)共同撰写的文章“ Court Confirms ‘Seat Standard’ and IBA Guidelines/Rules in Setting Aside Proceedings”。 原文载于 ICC Bulleti n 2024年度第1期 点 击 文末“ 阅读原文 ”可查看原文。 On 29 June 2023, the Fourth Intermediate People’s Court in Beijing accepted a request to set aside a final award in a Beijing-seated ICC arbitration and rejected the grounds to set the award aside as a Chinese foreign-related award. The ruling cements the judiciary’s increasing reluctance to apply the so-called ‘ institution standard ’, favouring instead the ‘ seat standard ’ found in most other jurisdictions. The case also represents the first application of the IBA Guidelines and Rules by a Chinese court. Introduction In a recent decision, the Fourth Intermediate People’s C