专栏名称: Chestnut Studying
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PNAS丨促炎信号抑制增殖,并使巨噬细胞的新陈代谢从依赖 Myc 转向依赖HIF1α

Chestnut Studying  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-07-29 10:26


Chestnut Studying       摘要  As a phenotypically plastic cellular population, macrophages change their physiology in response to environmental signals. Emerging evidence suggests that macrophages are capable of tightly coordinating their metabolic programs to adjust their immunological and bioenergetic functional properties, as needed. Upon mitogenic stimulation, quiescent macrophages enter the cell cycle, increasing their bioenergetic and biosynthetic activity to meet the demands of cell growth. Proinflammatory stimulation, however, suppresses cell proliferation, while maintaining a heightened metabolic activity imposed by the production of bactericidal factors. Here, we report that the mitogenic stimulus, colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1), engages a myelocytomatosis viral oncogen (Myc)-dependent transcriptional program that is responsible for cell cycle entry and the up-regulation of glucose and glutamine catabolism in bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs). However, the p ………………………………

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