18日6时38分,勃利县110指挥中心接到报告:“6时许,勃利县吉兴朝鲜族满族乡长太村发现老虎行踪。” 据报道,长太村一名赵姓村民左手部被老虎咬伤,随后被送往医疗机构治疗,伤者情绪稳定,生命体征平稳。目前手术已结束,手术情况较乐观,伤者只是骨折,或恢复大部分手的功能,没有截肢风险。 当地县公安局、林业和草原局、应急管理局等部门及属地乡镇工作人员已到达现场,对老虎行踪进行追踪。 监控中男子为伤者的邻居张大爷 A villager in Boli county in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province, was bitten on the left hand by a tiger and is currently being treated at a medical facility. The injured has stable vital signs. Relevant departments have arrived at the scene and are tracking the tiger's movements, according to a statement published by the local forestry and grassland bureau on Monday. The local public security depart