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华为推出三折叠屏手机Mate XT

LearnAndRecord  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-09-12 20:31


近日,华为发布三折叠手机Mate XT。 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What is the main reason Huawei introduced the Mate XT shortly after Apple launched its iPhone 16? A) To directly compete with Apple's iPhone 16 and showcase its technological prowess. B) To replace its Mate 60 Pro with a more advanced version. C) To lower the price of its high-end smartphones. D) To shift its market focus from China to international markets. 2. What does the article imply about Apple's recent performance in the Chinese smartphone market? A) Apple has increased its market share in China despite competition. B) Apple remains the top-selling smartphone brand in China. C) Apple's market share in China has dropped significantly this year. D) Apple's iPhones are now considered more affordable than Chinese smartphones. 无注 释原文: China's Huawei Shows the World Its $2,800 'Trifold' Phone From: The New York Times Last year, at the tail end of a visit to China by Gina Raimo ………………………………

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